Chemistry Articles
Check out the list of Chemistry articles where you will get basic and advanced ideas and most importantly share some tips that will ignite your passion about Chemistry.
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![How Quantum Chemistry Creates Chemical Bonds](
In chemistry, we know that atoms form the chemical bonds that make up everything we use. Leading from the water we drink…
Efficiency and precision is essential in petrochemicals. Catalysts have long played a key role, but modern demands require more than that. Today,…
Have you ever wondered how your cells decide what to do every single day? The gene expressions are making this decision rather…
Our planet is now in need of clean energy solutions. And biofuels are the perfect solutions for this demand. Organic chemistry is…
Water treatment is a very important and commonly overlooked process, and its energy intensity can be very significant. Thankfully, there is a…
You pick up a bottle of water and think it is the cleanest and safest choice, right? But here is a surprise:…